Community College

Course Redesign

in American Political & Social Thought

Fall 2024 Application deadline: September 4th

About the Institute

Empowering community college faculty to use discussion-based approaches in teaching American political & social thought.

The Community College Course Redesign Institute in American Political and Social Thought aims to help instructors in history, political science, and related social sciences explore discussion-based approaches to studying transformative works in American political and social thought. Community college faculty participants will support each other as they explore readings and discussion prompts based on the work of authors like Plato, Locke, Wollstonecraft, Phillis Wheatley, Publius, Tocqueville, Maria Stewart, Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, W.E.B. Du Bois, Dr. King, and other works, which reflect contemporary engagement with this tradition that the participants selected for this institute will bring to the discussion.

In each institute, up to fifteen community college faculty members will be invited to discuss how to courageously, truthfully, and productively address our nation’s struggle to live up to the principles of the Declaration of Independence and the promise of liberty and equality for all while ensuring that each individual in diverse community college classrooms can participate fully in these discussions. Institutes will be guided by two leaders, each of whom will be community college faculty colleagues with many years of experience in discussion-based pedagogy, and who will help participants address how to create classrooms where students feel free to openly express themselves on political and social issues about which there is disagreement and how we can ensure that our courses help students acquire the tools they need to develop their own political understanding and agency.
Fall 2024 (Austin Community College), Spring 2025 (Hostos Community College) and Fall 2025 (TBD) institutes are funded by a generous grant from the Teagle Foundation, in partnership with The Jack Miller Center. These institutes will collectively enroll up to 45 community college faculty members who teach courses that meet general education requirements in history, political science and related social sciences. Please reach out to if your institution or organization is interested in hosting and/or supporting a future institute! 

The Institute Offers

Hybrid Format

Institute work takes place both online and in-person at host institutions.

Curriculum Development

Participants will develop new syllabi that include transformative texts, preparing students to engage in meaningful discourse on critical issues.

Broad Impact

This initiative seeks to enhance civic knowledge and discussion skills for all community college students.

Why study transformative works in American political & social thought?

Providing our students with essential opportunities to engage directly with the texts and ideas that shape our political and social lives.

Together, we will help provide our students with essential opportunities to engage directly with the texts and ideas that shape our political and social lives. In an era of declining civic knowledge, fueled by a lack of civic education offerings and increasingly acrimonious polarization, the task of grappling seriously with American politics and history is especially vital. Classes in these areas need to provide opportunities for meaningful discussions where students encounter opposing beliefs and engage in collegial discourse. Political questions invite disagreement, and our task is to equip students with essential skills for citizenship in a pluralistic republic like our own. The work we will do together will help introduce you to discussion-based pedagogical techniques that can help you effectively explore texts in American political and social thought with your students in class discussions. You’ll engage in small group discussions with your peers on curriculum development and design, and help one another consider how best to help our students more freely and openly express themselves on political and social issues about which there is principled disagreement.

faculty say

owl on books

Confidence that I have the tools to facilitate student-centered, discussion-based courses, and to teach with a more diverse materials that might be somewhat out of my comfort zone or field of study.

TGQF Workshop Participant

owl on books

I LOVED being a part of TGQF. It opened my eyes on how I was/am teaching my readings and how to discuss them with students. I now focus on broader, more connecting discussion questions and have noticed a big uptick in participation and engagement.

TGQF Workshop Participant

owl on books

Combing through these great texts with the mindset of creating discussions that reflect the current world instead of trying to get my students to answer “correctly” and/or recite a quote from the reading.

TGQF Workshop Participant

Institute Goal

The main goal of our time together in the institute is to creatively explore with one another how we might effectively include discussion of these and related texts in the courses we teach and to support one another in sharing pedagogical approaches to discussion-based learning as we become more thoughtful about the seven Institute Guiding Questions identified below. The institute is organized to help each individual faculty participant realize their own vision for a curriculum that broadly addresses these Guiding Questions. We are committed to respecting and supporting the academic freedom of each participant in their course redesign.

Guiding Questions

Transformative Works

Transformative Works in American Political & Social Thought
Classical Context through 1950

The readings and questions here are intended to help inspire curriculum exploration and discovery. We invite you to explore these selections and hope that you may make some new discoveries on how to approach these texts and those like it, as we look forward to exploring the contemporary voices that engage with the American political tradition that participants will bring to each institute.

Classical Context

Why do the representatives of the Athenian political/social establishment think that Socrates’ way of life is a threat to their political/social order? Are they correct? If so, how should they deal with that threat while preserving their political/social order?

Antigone believes that there is a difference between what is legal and what is just. What is the difference between the “legal” and the “just”? How does she know that Creon’s command regarding her brother’s burial is unjust?  Creon argues that whatever he, the king, commands isjust because it is the command of the ruler. How does Antigone respond to this? Are there laws in our society today that are legal but nerveless unjust? How do we accurately tell the difference between just and unjust laws?

Spartan society under the laws of Lycurgus lacks many ills that plague our own, such as lawsuits, fights over money, obesity, jealousy, infidelity, substance abuse, unemployment, unsatisfying jobs, childhood illness and more. How did Lycurgus eliminate these ills from Sparta and was it worth it?

Enlightenment Political Thought

What are three positive personal traits you wish were better developed in yourself and why? Does your response here confirm Hobbes’ argument regarding the equitable distribution of wisdom among people? 

Questions forthcoming

Questions forthcoming

Can equal rights and dignity be established and secured on anything other than ideals that are regarded as universal and natural?

The Founding & Ratification of The Constitution

What are the self-evident truths discussed here? What does it mean for a truth to be “self-evident”? Do you think most people in the US today still believe that these are truths and if so, that they are self-evident, regardless of their political affiliations?

Hamilton argues that the primary aim of society is, “moral security, for our lives and properties,” and that “such security can never exist, while we have no part in making the laws that are to bind us and while it may be the interest of our uncontrolled legislators to oppress us as much as possible.” Which groups or individuals might truthfully advance this same objection today and why?

What do you imagine Abigail Adams’ perspective would be on contemporary issues related to race and gender, given what you’ve learned about her thoughts on such issues from reading her letters to her husband, John?

In her poem, To the Right Honourable William, Earl of Dartmouth, Wheatley argues that her “love of freedom” was born from her experience of being kidnaped from Africa and brought to the United States enslaved, “I then pray others may never feel tyrannic sway.” How does her poetry contribute to the fight for freedom, both in her time and in ours?

Why do you think they chose to write “more perfect” rather than simply “perfect.” What might that tell us about their expectations for the government they sought to create? What change to the constitution would you recommend to make it “more perfect”?

Why do you think they chose to write “more perfect” rather than simply “perfect.” What might that tell us about their expectations for the government they sought to create? What change to the constitution would you recommend to make it “more perfect”?

Why do the anti-federalists believe that ambitious, self-interested people will be attracted to serve in positions of authority under the proposed constitution? If they met our political leaders today, would they feel vindicated for expressing these fears?

How optimistic was Jefferson that the Declaration’s principles were taking root around the globe? Do you think this optimism was misplaced? What was Jefferson referring to when he mentioned “monkish ignorance and superstition” as a force keeping men in chains?

Observations on A New Nation, A New World and New Challenges

What threats do Individualism and the myopic pursuit of material well being pose for democracies? What structural, institutional and/or cultural guardrails does Tocqueville observe that contain these problems, and do you see them functioning in that way in the contemporary US?

If Stewart were speaking to an oppressed or marginalized group today, how would she exhort them to most effectively confront their situation? What concrete steps might she argue that this group take towards that end, given what she has written in these essays?

What does Mill mean by tyranny of the majority?  In what political and social environments does tyranny of the majority arise?

In what areas do people have the most fear about freely expressing themselves? When have you kept quiet there out of fear of appearing out of step with prevailing views?

The Promise of Liberty

Why does Lincoln think that the framers believed that “all men are created equal” included African Americans even though the constitution protected and allowed slavery?

Cooper argues that, “Any act performed by an ignorant slattern is menial, while no amount of indignity can really degrade a soul truly in possession of itself through scientific development of its faculties.” What kind of education does Cooper believe is necessary to develop these faculties? Are you receiving that kind of an education today?

What kind of education does Du Bois think is required for a free people? What sorts of things do they need to study and how should that education be conducted? Is your education an education for freedom?

Which of your enemies would be the hardest to love, and what would you have to do or see to be able to love them? Think of someone whom you dislike very much. Attempting to practice what Dr. King preached here, consider one element of good in that person. What is that good thing?

Contemporary Voices

Texts Will Be Recommended By Participants

Participants in each institute will be encouraged to recommend contemporary works (post-1950) and discussion questions that will help students engage with the American political tradition and the Institute's seven Guiding Questions. Before the institute begins, participants will be asked to share suggestions, including texts like book chapters, essays, opinion pieces, as well as works of art such as short stories, poems, music, visual art, or other items, that reflect an engagement with the tradition of American political thought, as our participants understand that. These texts and questions will be shared with all participants and form the basis of about 25% of each institute's program.

Curriculum Advisory Committee

The institute curriculum and approach to discussion-based study was developed by TGQF leadership, and draws from over a decade of experience leading class discussions on transformative texts and ideas, as well as developing community college faculty training and fellowships to help colleagues successfully do the same. Many of the discussion questions we will explore in this institute originated from ideas shared by the over 60 community college faculty members who completed TGQF summer curriculum redesign workshops since 2022, Great Questions Journey faculty members who teach discussion-based government courses at Austin Community College, and from Community Seminar discussion questions. The following individuals advised TGQF on the institute curriculum and design, and a full institute plan will be linked to on this page once approved by this group.

Rita Koganzon

Rita Koganzon

North Carolina

Associate Professor, School of Civic Life and Leadership, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Roosevelt Montás

New York

Senior Lecturer in American Studies and English at Columbia University


Shellee O'Brien


Adjunct Professor of Government at Austin Community College in Texas

Raúl Rodriguez


Assistant Professor in the School of Civic Leadership at the University of Texas at Austin

Emily Stacey


Professor of and Program Coordinator for Political Science at Rose State College in Oklahoma

Mark Urista

Mark Urista


Speech Communication Faculty and Faculty Advisor for the Civil Discourse Program at Linn-Benton Community College in Oregon

Institute Details

$1,500 Stipend

Participants who successfully complete all institute requirements will receive a stipend, presently set at $1,500 for the currently scheduled institutes. Requirements include full participation in all online and in-person activities and meeting all other expectations and deliverables detailed below.

Accommodation & Travel

Participants or their institutions will be responsible for their travel to the institute, but hotel accommodation and meals will be covered by the program.

Expectations & Deliverables

apply for Fall 2024 Institute

Application deadline: September 4th

This institute will take place over an introductory zoom meeting on Wednesday, September 25 from 6 PM – 7:45PM Central Tme and then in-person over two full days in Austin, Texas, where participants will arrive by 5pm on October 16 and depart on October 19. Institute will be led by Emily Stacy and Ted Hadzi-Antich Jr. with special guest speaker Raúl Rodrigues.

Fall 2024 Instructor

Fall 2024 Instructor

Guest Speaker